A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is the minimum acceptable level for undergraduate coursework and for graduation from the University.
The Academic Standards and Advising Committee or Associate Deans examine academic performance and place exclusion holds on students academic records or suspend, or dismiss students who demonstrate insufficient or indeterminate progress toward their degrees.
More information about academic standing and academic actions is included in the undergraduate academic catalog.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the academic exclusion hold, suspension or dismissal appear on my official transcript?
- “Academic Suspension”, or “Academic Dismissal” is printed on the transcript in the term in which an academic action occurs.
- The message is removed if the action is cancelled, or replaced if the student’s status changes.
I withdrew/I am on a leave of absence. Can I still have an exclusion hold or be academically suspended, or dismissed?
Students who withdraw or take a leave of absence after mid-semester with a GPA less than 2.0 may have an academic action. If this occurs the withdrawal or leave will be cancelled, and the student’s status will be changed to suspended or dismissed. Their academic transcript is updated accordingly.
How will I be notified that I have an academic action?
On the date a student’s status is changed to suspended or dismissed, the Registrar’s Office sends an email to the student’s UNH email address. A letter is also mailed to the student's permanent mailing address. Similarly, if the action is cancelled or changed, students will receive an email and a mailed letter.
What is an exclusion hold?
Students whose academic progress is uncertain, as evidenced by a combination of generally low grades, incomplete courses, and administrative failures, may, upon determination by the Academic Standards and Advising Committee or associate deans, have an exclusion hold placed on their record pending clarification of their academic standing. The Registrar's Office then sends an email to the student's UNH email address. The exclusion hold prevents registration and registration changes, and is intended to facilitate a discussion with the student and associate dean of their college, to resolve questions concerning the student's academic performance, major departmental requirements, and University academic standards. In most cases an exclusion hold is a temporary action, however, an exclusion hold may change to a suspension or a dismissal if the student does not resolve the situation.
What should a student with an exclusion hold do?
Contact the college or school to inquire about the steps to resolve the exclusion hold prior to the start of the next regular semester (Fall/Spring). See 'Who should a student contact if they have questions about an academic action?' below.
If the student is not returning to UNH for the next regular term, they should discuss formally withdrawing or taking a leave of absence from the University, and they may need to wrap up details related to their account and should contact Student Accounts, (603)862-2230, to settle the account. A checklist of Offices that should be contacted is included at the end of this FAQ.
Can I make changes to my Fall/Spring registrations while I have an exclusion hold?
I am enrolled in classes at UNH for Summer. How does an exclusion hold or an academic suspension or dismissal action affect my Summer registrations?
If a student is registered in a Summer term course and an exclusion hold is placed on their record, or their status changes to suspended or dismissed, they will remain registered for the course unless they take steps to withdraw from the course through the add/drop process within the published deadlines.
If a student is enrolled for Summer Term classes that have begun, they are eligible to drop the classes within ten days of the exclusion hold, suspension or dismissal, by contacting the Registrar’s Office at registrars.office@propertyhunter-realty.com. Students who drop a class during the ten-day period will receive a refund. If a student does not exercise this option, they must continue to attend and complete the course and are academically and financially responsible for the course(s). If a Summer Term class has not yet started, the regular drop rules apply, and the student may drop the class by contacting the Registrar’s Office by the applicable drop deadline.
Checklist for students leaving UNH
- Discontinue monthly tuition payment plan, if applicable.
- Financial Aid (603)862-3600, exit counseling.
- Housing Office (603)862-2120, check out of room, turn in room key, complete forms.
- Dining/ID Office (603)862-1821, request Meal Plan/Cat’s Cache/Dining Dollars refunds.
- Library (603)862-1535, return books, close out rented library lockers.
- Student Accounts (603)862-2230
I am enrolled in classes at UNH for January Term. How does an exclusion hold, or a suspension or dismissal affect my January Term registrations?
If a student is enrolled in a January Term course and they have an exclusion hold, or are suspended or dismissed, they should continue to attend the course as they are not eligible to drop the class(es) after the published deadlines on the Master Academic Calendar. After the published deadlines students are academically and financially responsible for January Term classes.
What is an academic suspension?
Students whose averages fall below the minimum required grade-point average for their class standing and/or who have demonstrated insufficient progress toward their degrees may be suspended. Students suspended from the University for academic reasons will not be permitted to return as a degree candidate until one regular UNH academic year semester (fall or spring) has elapsed from the time of suspension. Therefore, the student will not be eligible to take courses including courses in the College of Professional Studies online or through Continuing Education during the period of suspension. Students on suspension for any reason will not earn transfer credit for courses taken while on suspension.
What should an academically suspended student do regarding the Fall/Spring classes they are registered for?
During a regular UNH semester (Fall/Spring), no action is required on the student’s part to drop the classes. After an initial appeal period has passed, typically two weeks, the Registrar’s Office will drop suspended students from classes and Student Accounts will reverse tuition and tuition related fees.
To pay any outstanding balances or request a refund if available, the student should contact Student Accounts (603)862-2230. A checklist of Offices that should be contacted when a student leaves the University is included at the end of this FAQ.
What is an academic dismissal?
Students who have been suspended once and whose average remains substantially below the minimum grade-point average for their class and who continue to demonstrate insufficient progress toward their degree must be dismissed. Only under extraordinary circumstances will a student be readmitted after having been dismissed. However, students who are dismissed may take courses through Continuing Education after one regular UNH semester has elapsed.
How do students resume their studies at UNH after an academic action?
Return after Academic Suspension
Durham and Manchester students that wish to return from an Academic Suspension must complete a Reactivation from Academic Suspension or Leave of Absence Form. The request will be reviewed by the Dean’s Office of the student’s home college (or the UNH Manchester Director of Academic Advising for UNH Manchester students). Students must provide a statement explaining why they believe they can successfully complete a UNH degree program and specific steps they will take to ensure future academic success. If approved, the student will be reinstated into the major they left and will receive confirmation from the Office of the Registrar. If the student no longer qualifies for the major they left, their request for return will be reviewed by the College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office for reactivation into the Undeclared major. The Reactivation from Academic Suspension or Leave of Absence form must be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the semester of return begins.
Return after Academic Dismissal
Only under extraordinary circumstances will a student be readmitted after an academic dismissal. Students will need to consult their former home college (see contacts below) PRIOR to applying for readmission through the Office of Admissions.
Who should a student contact if they have questions about an exclusion hold academic action?
- College of Professional Studies Online (CPSO), Lindsay Atoro, Lindsay.Atoro@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Engineering and Physical Sciences, Sharon McCrone, unh.ceps@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Health and Human Services, Erin Sharp, chhs.advising@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Liberal Arts, Jenni Cook, liberal.arts@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Life Sciences and Agriculture, Kimberly Babbitt, COLSA.Advising@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, PAUL Undergraduate Programs, PaulCollege.Advising@propertyhunter-realty.com
- Thompson School of Applied Science, Kimberly Babbitt, COLSA.Advising@propertyhunter-realty.com
- University of New Hampshire Manchester, UNHM Advising Office, unhm.advising@propertyhunter-realty.com